Today is just over a year from when I started blogging. Can you believe that? I posted every single Monday and—for a few months—Thursday as well. To be honest, I never expected my blog to become what it is today—it grew and became something that I’ve been much more involved in lately.
But God has also been gently reminding me of some things, like the level of responsibility a teacher carries.
James 3:1 says, “Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.”
In fact, Matthew 12:36 tells us that all people—teachers or not—will give account for every careless word that they speak. I worked my numbers lately, and concluded that I’ve written close to 100,000 words worth of blog posts. That’s a lot of my own words trying to convey my own thoughts on some really big topics—like God and His Word.
I don’t want my words to ever be a stumbling block to anyone. I’m open to the fact that much of what I believe now, I may believe differently down the road—I’m not all-knowing and certainly don’t claim to be. There are still things in my life, and there always will be, that the Lord is correcting me on. I never want the enemy to use my words to trip other people up.
I know that I’ll have to give an account for every word I speak, and by those words I’ll either be justified or condemned (Matthew 12:36-37).
That’s a lot of responsibility!
But why, then, do I still write?
Because I love God. I’m seeking Him and have dedicated my entire life to following Him—and I believe that He’s given me a message to share with His bride. A message of hope and love. Joy, faith, freedom, victory. Sacrifice and fulfillment.
I’m beginning to see the bondage I used to be in and am still getting set free from—things that are completely normalized in many Christian circles! God has more for His people than many of us know. I want to connect with like-minded Jesus followers, those who have sacrificed and surrendered everything, so that we can share what the Lord is doing in our lives and mutually be encouraged, supported, and built up in our faith.
I want to see freedom and unity in the body of Christ.
That’s why I write even though I carry a heavy responsibility in doing so.
But I don’t want to just be writing because I can. I want to write because I have something to say.
I don’t like the feeling of settling in with my computer, knowing that by a certain date I need to share something on my blog—and not knowing what it is yet.
I never want to manufacture anything that should be straight from God.
So, I have an announcement: I won’t be writing here on a regular posting schedule. When God gives me something to share, I will—but after much thought and prayer. I don’t want to rush a message from the Lord.
You may see me four times in a month—or twice over the course of two months. Either way, you can expect more blog posts in the future, just not on any specific dates.
Starting today, I’ll be active on my email newsletter much more than the blog. On the newsletter, you’ll hear bits of encouragement and testimonies—things that wouldn’t quite make blog post length—as well as writing + ministry updates, interesting thoughts, and announcements.
And, as a fun way to welcome you to the email community, I’ve designed 6 iPhone lockscreens that you can download for free! Click here to get your lockscreens (and join my email list).
With that said, I don’t know when I’ll be posting here next. But you can know that God is still working in my life, teaching, correcting, and guiding me.
And, like I said, I’ll be much more active on the email list! Don’t forget to sign up super quick if you still want to hear from me on a regular basis.
Lastly, I’m conducting a little survey to see how I can make my emails serve you as best as possible! Click here to fill out a quick questionnaire.
Until next time, I’ll see you in your inbox! <3
I love this, Leah!!!
Thank you Mariah!
That’s a really beautiful mindset Leah!! Excited to see what 2024 holds for you and your blog! <33
Thank you Bella. Me too!