A Happy Announcement! | My First Ever Virtual Writing Workshop

Hello friends!

h a p p y a n n o u n c e m e n t h e r e

I’m super excited to share with you all something that I have been working really hard on behind the scenes. 

I’ve been so incredibly grateful for the community here and the desire in my heart has been cooking for some time to actually create something I can use to serve YOU! 

October 19th is a date I’ve set aside to be with you, my sisters. 

I am hosting my first ever virtual writing workshop and I want to cordially invite you to be a part of this with me. 

I’ve never done something like this before and there are definitely parts of it that I am still working on but I do know this: It is going to be a HOOT!

I’m still putting pieces together but I am inviting you to be a part of this journey with me. 

Registration for this event is open first to a few people who would want to be a part of the
L A U N C H   T E A M ! 

So, what’s next?

Registration is open to anyone who wants to join the launch team THIS WEEKEND ONLY and the form to join is below.

Autumn Writing Workshop Launch Team Registration

If you have questions for me let me know! There are a limited amount of spots so don’t walk—RUN!

I pray this is a refreshing time for all of us and I am so looking forward to pulling this community even closer together.


Drop all your comments, questions, or ideas below! I’d love to hear your thoughts on all of this!

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