When You Feel Insufficient and Insecure

Many Christians live with a mentality of self-doubt and insecurity, believing the words that tell them they aren’t pretty enough, aren’t talented enough, aren’t smart enough, and all around just aren’t good enough.

I know what it feels like to be in bondage to insufficiency. But I’ve also grown to know what it’s like to walk into a room with my chin up and a lighthearted smile on my face. Freedom is always possible, because God promises it to us! The Bible says in John 8:36 that, “Who the Son sets free is free indeed.”

For so long, I believed that my worth, my value to somebody else, was wrapped up in my outward appearance, my abilities–or lack of them–, and my personality.

But that’s not where the Bible says your identity is supposed to be. The Bible says, “For we are His (God’s) workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10).

God made us just the way we are, and to say that we aren’t good enough is to say that God came up short when He made us. It’s saying that even though God created us unique and special, even so, we don’t measure up to a certain standard. Who sets the “right” standard anyway?

When we feel insufficient, insecure, and like we don’t measure up, those thoughts aren’t true. They are lying to us. The Bible tells us about taking our thoughts captive, and how important it is that we do that when we start to believe anything that is contrary to the Word of God.

The Word of God tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139:14)

I had wanted to be free from the fears and insecurities I had lived in bondage to for years, but I didn’t know how. Insecurity had become part of my identity. I’m so glad God knew how to set me free!

Well, after years of internal struggle, everything changed for me when I realized one simple, but startling truth: God adores me.

The Bible says, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ–by grace you have been saved.” (Ephesians 2:4-5)

What would happen if you saw yourself the way God saw you? What would you see? Let me paint a picture of that for you.

You would see someone who is inexplicably loved by the King of the universe, someone who is fully possessed by the all-powerful Spirit of the Living God and made in His image. Someone who’s had their sins wiped away and completely forgotten, and is living in the redemption and grace of God. Someone whose past of failure and mistakes doesn’t define them. A child of the One True God.

Now who do you think is special? You are. Because everything I just said is one-hundred percent true, if you are a follower of Jesus. If you were the only person on the earth, Jesus still would have died for you, because He is madly in love with you. He gave up everything for you, and He wants you to realize where you can put your identity: in Him, as a child of God.


  1. Great post Leah! This is a great reminder for everyone, always 🙂

    1. Thank you. Yes, it is very important to understand our position in Christ!

  2. This is such a good reminder!! 🧡

  3. Leah, thank you so much for writing about this! I have struggled with this too.

    1. Of course! I’m so glad this has been encouraging (:

  4. Eliza Boone says:

    Leah, thanks for writing this post! Such a true reminder that I have to think about all the time.

    1. You’re welcome! I’m glad you got something out of this (:

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