Autumn Bucket List Inspo

Hey y’all! Can I just say how excited I am for autumn?!

I wanted to pop in today and share my bucket list for this season. 

I’ll admit, at first I started to feel a little sad that summer was over… after all, I was super busy and the season seemed to just fly by me! I finished my novelette, got my website redesigned, and started posting twice a week here instead of once. 

But now, I’m excited for autumn. I recently stepped outside and experienced that wonderful warm/chilly weather as the smell of freshly fallen leaves reminded me how much I love fall!

And today, in honor of sweater weather and the first day of fall, I had a wonderful time goofing off with my brother and the chickens in a huge pile of leaves. Yes, I’m so excited that fall is here!

So, without further ado, here are 34 things I want to do this autumn!

  1. Drink coffee together with my sisters
  2. Draft at least 15,000 words of my novel, Dauntless Trust
  3. Go to the beach— fall is the best time to do it since it’s not packed but there are still some really nice days!
  4. Visit a cozy Christmas store
  5. Read 20 books. I know that’s not a whole lot but I have a hard time finding books that are clean and filled with content that I want to fill my mind with. (I’d love recommendations in the comments!)
  6. Learn a new song on the piano
  7. Make pumpkin pie
  8. Make apple pie with my mom
  9. Enjoy Thanksgiving with my family
  10. Sing Gobble Gobble really loudly with my brother while peeling apples and potatoes the day before Thanksgiving (it’s a tradition, haha)
  11. Decorate my writing space to match the aesthetic of autumn
  12. Have a bunch of writing session outdoors
  13. Sit/lay in the leaves outside and think about my stories
  14. Host my own stay-at-home writing retreat
  15. Write a fall-themed short story (I got this idea from Laura’s fall bucket list!)
  16. Go on a hike
  17. Play the “leaf game” with my brother (basically, trying to catch leaves as they fall off the trees, haha)
  18. Have hot cocoa with my friends— even if it’s only over zoom.
  19. Be more intentional about getting up earlier so I can enjoy quiet moments with the Lord and writing
  20. Get character collages/book covers for my characters and books
  21. Teach our dog, Gabriel, a new trick
  22. Beta read a book or two
  23. Have one on one time with each of my nieces and nephews
  24. Experiment with hand lettering 
  25. Wear a pretty dress
  26. Go on a walk
  27. Have a photoshoot
  28. Have a girls night with my sisters and watch Pride & Prejudice
  29. Buy new books
  30. Organize my books
  31. Make a fall treat
  32. Figure out—and practice— what cookie I’ll make for this year’s Christmas Cookie Swap!
  33. Have a writing session in a library or bookstore
  34. Go outside when it’s raining 


  1. Ooooh sounds so lovely Leah!!! I love fall, and those things all sound amazing!!!! <3

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Thank you! I’m really excited to see what God has for me in the next few months (:

  2. Ahh, Leah, you are making me so excited for autumn!! Thank you for the lovely post! I have been SO enjoying your blog. <333

    1. Leah Grace says:

      It means so much to me when people appreciate what I’m writing < 3 thank you!

  3. Ooh, I love your list! Here are some book recommendations (all are completely clean, but not every one is specifically Christian):

    “Rosetown” by Cynthia Rylant
    “The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip” by Sara Brunsvold
    “The Mysterious Benedict Societ” by Trenton Lee Stewart
    “The Star That Always Stays” Anna Rose Johnson

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Ooh, thank you!! I’ll look into those!

    2. Leah Grace says:

      Hey Molly! I just wanted to pop in and say that I read “The Star That Always Stays” per your recommendation. I loved it! Thank you for sharing it with me (:

  4. What a warm and cozy list! 🍂🍁❤️

    Since you wanted some book recommendations, I have a few websites/authors I’d humbly suggest checking out for great non-fiction Christian books. The devil is making it really hard to find quality books for believers in these last days, but I’ve found these resources to be especially useful:

    • (click on “Read” – 60+ free downloadable books by Don Stewart on the Bible, Jesus Christ, the afterlife, and more)
    • (to read some of the booklets for free, go to, click on “Blog” and search for “New booklet”)
    • author Todd Hampson (one of the very few authors that I like and has sound eschatology – he has some easy-to-read books filled with fun graphics)


    1. Leah Grace says:

      Thank you so much for the recommendations, Kiera! (: They sound interesting.

  5. Azzie Grace says:

    OOOoooooh I LOVE this post!!!! Autumn is the best! I especially like the part about zooming with cocoa 😉

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Yes!! I want to do that soon (;

  6. Oh girl, these are some wonderful ideas! Makes me want to just kick up my heels and have some fall fun. XD

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Haha well, the season isn’t over yet!

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