How Does God’s Love Affect Our Everyday Lives?

What in the Bible is so important that it’s talked about over 300 times? What would God have to tell us that would be so profound, he would make sure it was repeated over and over again?

It’s actually pretty simple: his love for us,

All through the old and new testament, God just didn’t stop telling his people how much he loved them, even though they continued to rebel against him and his commandments.

And his statements of love still hold fast to today, because we are his people, and he is our God.

I had an experience about two years ago, where I had done something I didn’t think was wrong, but it had caused a lot of problems in one of my relationships, and I didn’t know if I could ever fix things. I ran out to the car and cried my heart out to God, and I’ll never forget what happened next.

I felt as though I was suddenly surrounded and encompassed by the Holy Spirit. That was the most comforting hug I have ever received.

In that moment of desperation and sadness, I felt the love of God in my life, in my situation. And you know what? By the end of that night, the situation was resolved. I am confident it was the Holy Spirit working, answering my heartfelt prayers.

But since then, I’ve always remembered the love I felt. Because it was so intimate and personal. And that’s totally the way God works, in our lives individually.

That experience changed me. I started to see God’s love as something so real, intimate, and tangible. Since then, that has been the main point that I always find myself going back to when I talk to anyone about God. It always comes back to his love.

Because wasn’t God’s love the driving force that sent Jesus to earth? Yes.

Wasn’t Jesus hanging on a tree with his arms wide open the clearest picture of him crying out ‘I love you!’?

God sent Jesus to suffer and die for you and for me, and it all goes back to his great love for us.

So I want to encourage you, to remind you that God loves you so much. It may seem so simple, and it really is. But it’s more true than anything you’ll ever know.

And if the love of our heavenly father caused him to send his holy Son to die for us when we were undeserving, then imagine what his love will do for you as you walk through today.


  1. Such a simple but impactful message 🤍

  2. […] That’s no problem for God! He knows how to be intimate with us specifically, how to work in our situations specifically. I shared a story about how He did that for me in this blog post, How Does God’s Love Affect Our Everyday Lives? […]

  3. […] When I was 12 years old, I had my first real encounter with God. Nothing weird or creepy, just a pure, raw awareness of His Spirit and His love for me. I talked about that experience in this blog post. […]

  4. […] are always ready for you, always waiting for you if only you’ll respond and run to Him. His love affects our everyday lives— when we let […]

  5. […] How Does The Love Of God Affect Our Everyday Lives? (A testimony) […]

  6. […] love is perfect. When you understand how deep His love for you is—and how it affects your everyday lives—there will be absolutely no reason for you to […]

  7. That’s an amazing and beautiful story! < 3

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Yes 💛

  8. This is a beautiful post! God’s love really does change every aspect of our lives. <3

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Thank you! It truly does < 3

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