Interview With Historical Fiction Author Bethany Klassen

Today I’m super excited to be sharing an interview with a young author, Bethany Klassen, who just released her debut novel titled Sins of the Past. I haven’t read the whole book yet, but I’ve started it and can’t wait to read more!

You can find her website here, and read a bit more about her book, her mission, and her story.

  1. First of all, Bethany, when did you start writing seriously? Is it something you’ve always done, or was there a catalyst that sparked the desire to write? 

I have always loved writing. As a kid, I would make my own books by stapling together a handful of papers to write my story on. If I got to the end of the pages sooner than I had planned, the story suddenly had to reach a rapid conclusion. As I got older, I continued practicing my writing and learned a little more about how to correctly plan a story (no more abrupt endings:).The better I got, the more I enjoyed it. 

  1. Why did you decide to pursue writing as more than just an off and on hobby? 

Honestly, this was a decision that took me a long time to make. Like I said previously, I have been writing for a long time. I had completed almost a dozen full-length novels before I finally took the plunge and decided to publish my most recently finished book. Part of the reason I chose to publish was because of the realization that there simply aren’t enough good Christian novels out there. A lot of books that are called Christian fiction are still promoting wrong attitudes, lessons, ideas, etc. I truly believe that even fiction can have a huge influence on a reader – especially young readers. Because of that conviction, it became my desire to provide clean novels that would encourage readers, and teach Biblical truths. 

  1. Can you break down your main desire as a writer into one or two things, and share them with us? 

One of my main objectives is to produce quality writing. I love reading a good book, but it really bugs me if I take many hours to read a novel that ends up being boring or disappointing. I don’t want readers to feel that way when they finish my books, so it’s important to me that I make sure I’ve written a good story. My goal is to make an impression on the reader through relatable characters, a gripping plot, and an interesting lesson.  

Even more important than creating a great book, though, is my desire to write fiction that is uplifting and clean. I always make sure to bring out a clear gospel message in each book that I write, along with other Biblical truths. I don’t want my books to be preachy, and therefore, boring (because, let’s admit it – novels are meant for entertainment, not as a study in doctrine) but I do want them to have as much of an impact as possible.

  1. What is your novel about, and where did you find inspiration for it? 

Sins of the Past is a western novel about Matthew Ellison, an outlaw by association. After tragedy turns his life upside-down, he leaves everything behind to search for a new beginning. Settling into a small town in Texas, Matthew tries to forget his past – until he realizes it’s the very thing he needs to face in order to find atonement. 

It’s hard to say exactly when I got the inspiration to write this book. It was a story that developed slowly in my mind over a long period of time. I wanted to write a book that clearly illustrated how God pardons us when we come to Him for forgiveness. Making the protagonist an outlaw gave me the perfect opportunity to do that, while adding an element of mystery and danger to the storyline at the same time.

  1. Do you plan on writing more books in the future? 

I sure hope to! Writing is a part of me that I can’t seem to get away from – even when I try to take a break 🙂 I already have a couple of new projects started, so hopefully it won’t be too long until I publish my next book. 

  1. Do you have a theme verse for your writing life? 

I don’t necessarily have one particular verse I would always go to, but I often think of Hebrews 12:2, because it describes Jesus as “the author and finisher of our faith”. He is the One that has everything under His control, and the One I should be turning to for everything in my life. I will be eternally grateful to Him because of what He did for me, and continues to do every day. Praise God that He knows the end of the story, and that through His Word, I can too!

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. – Hebrews 12:2

  1. Do you have one (or more) specific pieces of advice to give to young Christian writers?

One saying I often use to encourage myself is, “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”. It’s so easy to get focused on how well everyone else seems to be doing with their projects and begin to feel like we can never obtain that same level of success. I just want to remind any of you struggling with this that determination goes a long way toward reaching your goals. Your success is almost entirely dependent on the work you put in. If you want it badly enough, and you work for it hard enough, you too can achieve great results! 

Thank you so much for doing this interview, Bethany!

Anytime! I enjoyed being able to share a little about myself and my book. Thank you for the opportunity!

I’d love to know, what’s your favorite genre to read? Have you ever dabbled in writing western, historical, or both? I personally enjoy reading historical western, and can see myself potentially writing in that genre… but as of right now, I have a couple other projects on my hands!

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