My Heart Behind the October 19 Writing Workshop

This upcoming virtual writing workshop means a lot to me… and I’d like to share why.

You see, I spent close to two years thriving in a wonderful writing community. I gave + received writing feedback for the first time ever, launched my blog, wrote multiple novels, published close to a hundred articles, and submitted writing for publication with a group of passionate, supportive writers at my side the whole time.

But several months ago, I felt the Lord showed me that this specific community was no longer helping me grow and that I needed to step away.

Enter, a case of the writer lonelies.

While I knew that leaving this community was the best decision for me, I also knew that surely there have to be other writers out there that I can connect with so that we can do this journey together. Just because that one wasn’t ideal for me at the time doesn’t mean that I have to give up on being a part of community all together!

Because here’s the thing—you and I don’t deserve to be alone as a writers. No one does. We are made to be together and to help one another (Ecclesiastes 4:12). We are designed to function stronger, more efficiently, and more happily when we are not alone.

That is exactly my mission with the writing workshop on October 19th—I want to bring this community that is full of writers together. I want to know what you’re writing about, offer feedback if you’re looking for it, pray for & with you, and help you grow, learn, and be encouraged as you write what God puts on your heart. That’s the type of community I’m envisioning for October 19th.

(Also, the whole aesthetic of this workshop is autumn-themened—what’s not to love about that?!)

Want to know some specifics of what this writing workshop will involve?

This workshop will also include things like:

  • coming up with writing prompts together
  • collaboratively troubleshooting our writing projects
  • praying for each other about our lives & writing
  • laughing a lot together & talking about things that only writers understand
  • giving & receiving lots of feedback
  • receiving a custom autumn-themed gift from me in the mail
  • walking this journey, that is oftentimes lonely, together.

I’m so looking forward to this workshop, because I understand how lonely we can feel as writers. We need people to cheer us on, pray for us, and work together with us—and that is exactly what will be happening this October.

Registration will be open for 10 more days (until October 12), so if you would like to sign up, you can do so by clicking here! 👇

autumn writing workshop registration

If you have any questions, please let me know! I’d love to hear from you and talk more about writing, growth, and ways we can do that together even if it doesn’t necessarily look like this workshop for you ♡

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