You sit down with your computer or notebook and sigh. As you attempt to write, it seems like nothing is happening. That feeling of contented satisfaction that usually comes over you when you write just isn’t there. Words and ideas and concepts aren’t getting onto the page either— come to think of it, they seem to have temporarily left your brain as well. Try as you might, you just don’t want to write.
All writers know this feeling.
When that book just doesn’t seem to want to get written, and even the characters are making things difficult. When the words that make it onto the word processor don’t look good, and all the joy has been sapped out of the process.
I don’t want to write today, nothing I say will be good; I feel it in my bones.
I know this! I have totally been there… Needless to say, it’s not fun.
Just because it’s not fun or ideal doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong. This will help you determine your commitment level— only the true writers write anyway.
But then what? When you decide that you’re going to write even when you don’t feel like it, it does little good when you still can’t get anything on paper. Or, worse yet, what if it means you just don’t like writing anymore?
People will say a number of different things to try to help: “Force the words out, it’ll start to come eventually” or “If you don’t want to write, don’t write!” or “You just need to ditch this project and move on.”
So much is said that it can be confusing, and we can find ourselves more lost than before.
The one mindset shift…
I believe that there is one thing that can radically change the life of a Christian writer. This truth that is so life changing— if we believe it:
You don’t have to write alone. God wants to write with you.
Recently, I was working on the outline for my new novel, moving at a snail’s pace and not getting much done. I suddenly felt something come over me and I knew I needed to write down what had come to me. It was short, but part of a very pivotal scene that’ll happen, and the message told in just a few words was profound.
A couple days later something like that happened again. God, I thought, if this is what it’s like to write with You… then let’s do it!
Because here’s the thing: God is the master storyteller.
Jesus spoke in parables, and was called “teacher” by many. He used stories that people could understand and told them masterfully, sharing His messages in a way that people would be able to learn from.
And do you know what? If God has called you to be a writer—and if you’re here He most likely has— then He doesn’t expect you to do this on your own! If He’s given you a story to write, He won’t make you write it all by yourself. (I have to laugh when I say “all by myself” since I have a niece who says that considerably often, haha!)
God is the greatest partner of all time, and He is willing for you to succeed at what He’s given you to do.
The next time you don’t feel like writing, for any reason, ask God what He wants you to write today. He’ll show you. If it’s something you normally wouldn’t do, go for it anyway.
Maybe instead of actually drafting the next chapter of your book, you feel like you should make a pinterest board with pictures that represent the aesthetic of your book—I’ve done that.
Or maybe you feel like writing a scene that will take place later on in your book—I’ve done that too!
Just relax and let the spontaneous moments happen. I’ve found that God’s done the most in my life when I left room available for the Holy Spirit to work however He saw fit. It can be this way with your writing too!
Lastly (and most importantly), never forget why you write. Never forget Who you write for. Always remember that God is on your side, He is giving you the words to write, and will do it with you.
You’re not expected to write on your own strength. So next time you’re struggling with your writing, remember that you can ask God for wisdom. He’ll give it! (James 1:5). He’ll show you what to do for each specific day— we just have to ask and listen.
What’s your go-to resource for when you’re struggling with writing? Honestly, sometimes the only thing that’s needed is a good snack, some tea, or a quiet walk!
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Thank you for this…it is really encouraging!
God is indeed the master storyteller…and what better way than to write with Him, knowing that when He gives you the words, they can reach so much farther…<3
I’m glad you are encouraged by this!
Yes! Absolutely.