Some of My Favorite Articles On Writing

Hello everyone! I’m excited for today’s post since it’ll be a little different— but hey, we all need something different once in a while, right? Anyway, I’m hoping to change things up more often with my posts, and I can’t wait to see what that will look like.

So, today I wanted to share some of my favorite articles/blog posts on writing, and why I like them. Enjoy! 

Keep in mind I can’t endorse all of the content for all of these websites— always remember to bring anything you read back to the truth of God’s word. Yes, even articles about writing. 

10 ideas to help you CONNECT with your characters by Laura Boone

This post literally blew me away. I’m currently outlining my new novel, and I found my main character… dull. Bland. Completely boring, to be honest, haha! So when I read this post, I knew that this was something I needed. Not only did it give me ideas to flesh out my characters (like taking enneagram tests for them, for example), but it made me excited to write about them! 

It’s Okay to Take A Break | Nine Reminders for Writers by Deigan Marie

Need I say much more? Taking a break is something I struggle with. More than just taking breaks, however, Deigan talks about 8 other things that writers need to remember as well. 

9 Cozy Self-Care Ideas for Writers Write Your Best This Winter by Ava Coulter

Yes, I am well aware that it’s fall, and not winter. But, you get the idea— cold weather, aesthetics, all around cozyness. Anyway, all of these ideas could definitely be put into practice year-round! 

The One Character Your Novel Is Missing: How To Make Your Characters Heroes by The Young Writer Blog

This was a post that was really pivotal to me in my writing journey. You see, I knew that no one wanted a “perfect” main character—they’re so unrealistic and unrelatable— but because of that, I accidentally made my characters too flawed. Reading this post reminded me that main characters should still be people who can be admired and likable! 

5 Ways to Infuse Tension into Stories of Any Genre by Story Embers

This article was very interesting! I have an idea for a YA contemporary novel that’s kind of floating around in the back of my head. But, I’d been wondering how I’d add tension, excitement, etc. to a story with no “big” external conflicts. That article offered some clarity! 

When Writing and Life Seem To Clash by The Grace Haus

This last one was written by me! I recently posted this article since it was about something that I’d been dealing with a lot. Then, the Lord showed me what I’d been missing. If you’re feeling too busy to write, or are constantly burnt out since you’re writing anyway, I really think this post will help you!

In conclusion…

So here you have 6 of my favorite articles on writing! Writing in itself is such a broad topic and I know that writers (myself included) can feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. Although there are quite a variety of post types here, I hope that one—or all— of these articles encourages you! 

What are some of your favorite articles about writing? Don’t forget that I’m still learning and growing in the sometimes crazy world of writing. In fact, I think we’ll all be learning, in some way or another, for the rest of our writing journeys.


  1. Aw this is such a great list! I’m definitely going to check these articles out. (And thanks so much for the shout out, girl!) <3

    1. Leah Grace says:

      I hope you enjoy them(: (And you’re welcome!)

  2. Thank you for this post, Leah! I love learning about new writing resources. And thanks for the shout out ;).💜

    1. Leah Grace says:

      I’m glad you liked it (: you’re welcome < 3

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