The Power Of Words As A Writer (a Guest Post by Bella Raine)

Hey friends! Today I’m excited to share a guest post with you. Bella Raine and I swapped articles. The one I wrote for her blog is titled Writing When You’re Busy. I hope you enjoy both of these (:

Humans speak somewhere from 7,000 to 16,000 words a day. That’s a lot of words, yet we do it so easily! Of course, some people talk more than others, depending on your personality, but we ALL use words! As a writer myself, words are kind of a big deal! 😉 I mean if there were no words, how would I be a writer? (Or come to think of it, how would anything in our whole world work without words?)

I recently was reading through my Bible and stumbled across some verses that stopped me dead in my tracks. I’ll share those verses a bit later, but it inspired me to go on a “word hunt” through the Bible. I wanted to find out some of the places that God used words, or where God spoke about the power of words, after all He is the Author of all things! These are just a few examples that I found.

In Genesis, God used words to speak everything into existence. From nothing. Literally there was nothing. My human brain has a hard time comprehending that. I mean I can’t look out the window and say, “chestnut racehorse” and one will appear. Because of course, only God has the power of forming life from words. (Genesis 1:1-31)

Once, when Jesus was preaching in the synagogue, he brought forward a man with a deformed (some translations say withered or shriveled) hand. “Stretch out your hand”, Jesus said and instantly the man’s hand was restored. (Luke 6:6-11)

After Jesus prayed to His father in the gospel of John, he shouted three words. “Lazarus, come out!” Out of a tomb, a man supposed to be dead for four days walked out, fully alive, because of Jesus speaking life-giving restoration to his dead body. (John 11:1-44)

Mark tells the story of a young girl, around twelve years old, who died before Jesus arrived to heal her. However, Jesus assured the mourning father to “don’t be afraid” and to “just have faith”. Going into her room, Jesus, in a tender move, picks up the girl’s hand and says, “Talitha Koum” translated to mean “Little girl, get up.” And she arose, stood up, and walked around! (Mark 5:22-23 & 35-43)

Even the wind, and waves hear his powerful words, when Jesus ordered the chaotic sea to “Peace, be still.” (Mark 4:35-41)

Ultimately, when He was stretched over a wooden cross, Jesus, our Savior and Messiah spoke three words that changed the world forever. “It Is Finished.” (John 19:30)

So, we can see plainly how much power Jesus’/God’s words hold. Of course, we are not God, (far from it!). So why should this matter to us? Because of Jeremiah 1:9-10. These are the verses I mentioned earlier that mean so much to me. (There are many verses in Jer 1 that are phenomenal also, and if you come join me on my email list I plan on doing a devotional on them, because they are so good!!)

“Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, ‘Look, I have put my words in your mouth! Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant.’”

~ Jeremiah 1:9-10

One practice I use in my writing is to pray before writing sessions. Now I don’t do it every time, because sometimes I forget, but I try to do it as often as I can! Usually it’s something like:

Dear Lord, I ask you to be in this writing session with me and put the words in my heart and mind that you would have me write. Amen.

As you can see it’s not anything super philosophical, theological, or magical. It’s just a daughter asking her heavenly Father to help her glorify Him in her writing. But if I ask for God to put His words in my mouth, heart, and mind, then I’m also signing myself up for a greater responsibility.

His words have the power to stand against nations, and kingdoms, to uproot evil, tear down strongholds, destroy darkness, overthrow the Enemy, and build up His Kingdom. So, if I ask Him to enter my writing session, and whisper His words into my pen, I need to be even more cautious about the words, content, themes, ideas, morals, and relationships I pen so that everything I write will and can honor Him.

If you feel the Lord has chosen you to use words to spread His light across our broken world, join me in not forgetting or taking for granted that great privilege. Let’s go out there and write words that shine His light to a broken world. I’m with you, and I’m cheering you on! I can’t wait to read what masterpieces you create! 😊

“Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose.”

– Proverbs 18:21

This is such a great post! I think of a past article I wrote, Your Words Are More Powerful Than You Think, and this one goes right along with that.

If this post blessed you, then why don’t you head over to her blog and check out some of her posts! (:


  1. Aw I love it! I really enjoyed collab-ing with you Leah! Thank you! <3

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Yes, so did I! You’re welcome (:

  2. Amen and Amen! So good! Thank you for the reminder, Bella!

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Yes, thank you Bella!

    2. Thank you Laura!! I appreciate it! 🙂

  3. Azzie Grace says:

    This is so inspiring XD!

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Yes it is!

      1. Thank you! I’m glad it inspired you! 😀

    2. Thank you! I’m glad it inspired you! 😀

    3. Thank you! I’m glad it inspired you! 🙂

  4. Looking forward to giving this a proper read later!❤️❤️❤️

    1. Leah Grace says:

      I am as well! (:

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