The Secret to Beating Writer’s Block (and Everything Else That Goes Along With It)

Writers, imagine that all familiar feeling of sitting down to write, taking a deep breath, then drawing a massive blank. Been there? I certainly have. 

There have been many times when I maybe get a sentence or a few down, then nothing seems to come out of it, and I have no idea where to go next with what I’m saying.

That’s what we call writer’s block. 

I’ve felt doomed before, like I needed to prepare and plan out my articles and stories like crazy if I wanted to avoid being hit with writer’s block. Or, if the worst case scenario happened and I found myself staring at a blank screen for extended periods of time, I could only try to push through and hope it’d eventually work itself out. 

Of course, those strategies work… sometimes. But I had my perspective changed when I attended an online writing summit last week. 

It was hosted through The Young Writers Workshop, and there were 10 different speakers. One of the speakers was Chuck Black. You’ve probably heard me talk about his books before, since they’re so good! At the summit, he talked about involving Jesus in your writing process. 

One thing he mentioned was that he always took time to pray before each writing session. 

Well, a few days later, I got all set up to write an article and had a bit of an idea of what I was writing about, but found myself resting with a mild case of writer’s block after a few minutes. 

So I prayed. I told God that I wanted my words to be glorifying to Him and represent Him accurately. I wanted to please Him. 

I proceeded to have one of the most productive non-fiction writing sessions I’ve had in a very long time!

Writing with God changed everything for me. 

It’s so important for us as writers to check our goals and intentions while we write. My number one desire is that my writing would be a way that God can share His messages through me. 

That’s a lot of responsibility, but it’s possible with God. 

If your desire is to write for the glory of God, then He wants to be in your process! He wants you to write your story or your blog post or your email even more than you do. 

We can all agree that God is all-powerful (1 Chronicles 29:11). And if He has all power, He can certainly can—and will—bless our writing when we let Him.

As we see in Colossians 3:15—where we are told to let the peace of God reign in our hearts—there are some things that God wants to do for us that we have to let Him do. He wants to help us in our writing, but we have to let Him.

I want to encourage you this week to pause before each writing session and pray. Evaluate your motives, bring them before the Lord, and tell Him your goals + desires. 

When you get stuck in the middle, or feel like you’re navigating the murky waters of a plot hole, take it to God. He’ll help you fix things. 

He loves you so much and wants to see you succeed as a writer—you just need to let Him.  


  1. I am learning to do this more and more. God is such a good co-writer, isn’t he? Thank you, Leah! This was great advice to start out my week with. 🙂

    1. Leah Grace says:

      He definitely is!! You’re welcome (:

  2. Susanna says:

    I listened to the summit, and am trying to start a habit of prayer before I start writing. Thank you for the reminder. I needed it.

    1. Leah Grace says:

      It was amazing, wasn’t it? I didn’t get to listen to every session, but I hope to catch up on them soon. You’re welcome (:

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