Your Hiding Place With God (Where it’s Just You and Him)

To be honest, I was struggling with a few things last week. One morning, I woke up early so I could get a few things done before starting my very busy day. I got to a point, however, when I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. 

Something suddenly came over me that had been in the back of my mind for a little while; a dread, a fear, a deep sadness over things that have happened and the fact that they could happen again. 

I was really struggling with it, so I curled up into a ball and wrapped up in a blanket.

While in the throes of these real, deep emotions, I remembered something. 

You see, my mom was recently teaching a bunch of children during a ministry event about God. Not just God, but the relationship that He wants to have with us. She talked about the promise He’s given His children in Psalm 32:7— He is our hiding place. 

I remembered her telling the kids a story about twins who would always go to their hiding place to talk to their King (God), and it’s always just them and God. As simple, direct, and geared toward young children as this story was… it affected me. 

So when I was in my bed, feeling all sorts of despair and pain, I remembered the truth about the hiding place. I went there. 

It was just me and God, and no one else. Here, I was free to be myself and spend one on one time with God. 

I just imagined myself sinking into the arms of Jesus. There, I knew He was with me, and that I wasn’t alone. I knew I could trust Him. 

In that moment, I was reminded of the lyrics to a song, where part of the chorus goes like this: “And I will lean back in the loving arms of a beautiful Father”. I just let myself relax and started to sing that song. 

As I did, the Lord started ministering to me. He helped me work through my problem in my mind, and reminded me of something so vitally important: I could trust Him. Always. No matter what. He’ll never leave me because of what I do, or say, or believe, or who I am. God will never leave His children

The truth about the hiding place is something that can be so life changing for a follower of Jesus. 

There is so much pressure in life to look + act a certain way. It can constantly seem like our actions and appearances are being judged by those who are around us. What makes the hiding place special is that no one else is there except God. We can run there to escape from people and things that are trying to steal our peace, and take every problem, every idea, every question, to God. 

God will meet us where we are, speak to us, remind us of the truth in His word, and just… be there. The fact that God is always willing—and desiring— to spend time with us and encourage us is so amazing. 

I know today’s post is a little shorter, but that’s because I want to drive home this one point: there is a place where you can be completely alone with God. You can go there in your mind and completely block out everything else around you, because here… it’s just you and Him. 

Regardless of what you’re going through, or how you may feel, God will meet you there. He’s faithful, and He won’t ever leave you alone. 

What are your thoughts on this post? Have you ever gone to your hiding place for safety and comfort? Did it impact you like it did me? It makes me so happy when I get to connect with you all in the comments!

And lastly, if you’d like to read some related posts, you may enjoy…


  1. Aww I love this Leah!! What a beautiful and powerful reminder! Thank you for sharing! <33

    1. Leah Grace says:

      You’re welcome! I was happy to share this (:

  2. Blakeney says:

    Great post, Leah! It’s amazing how the simplest truths can have such wonderful blessings.

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Thank you, Blakeney! Yes, they can. Isn’t God so great in that way?

  3. I am SO thankful that we have a hiding place in our Father. What would life be without it?

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Yes! It’s so amazing.

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