You’re Safe In Every Season

Just last month, some big changes took place for me and my family. We’d had a horse and mini donkey for almost four years… but now they had to go to a new owner. It was really difficult to process and come to terms with. We’d been together for years!

We felt like God had gifted my family these boys, Cricket and Keeper, and now He was gently revealing that He wanted something different for us now. 

The day they were driven away in a trailer to the new owner, I struggled to work through what had just happened. They were gone. I’ll admit that I cried, but I was able to eventually compose myself and go to my room to do some writing.       

As I was writing, I suddenly felt the presence of God and felt like He started ministering to me. I was reminded of the concept of seasons. 

Where I live, it isn’t always hot, and it isn’t always cold. We have spring, summer, winter, and autumn. Each season is different, and each is beautiful in its own way… and they’re all necessary. 

Seasons are like chapters in a book. All of them compiled makes a wonderful story, but if you take out even one, that story won’t be complete. 

Daniel 2:21 reminds us that God is the one who changes the seasons and times—and not just the temperature related ones. 

Because we are on a journey. We are growing, learning, being strengthened… and changing. 

We change. Our circumstances change. The seasons in our life change. But do you know what? God never does. 

Can you remember the last time you felt alone, yet were reminded by God that He was still there? What about when a huge change took place in your life, and you found peace in the fact that you serve a God who remains the same?

As my three year old niece once sang while dancing around the kitchen, “I’m safe with Jesus.”

That’s who Jesus is to you. 



Strong tower. 

I can think of numerous seasons I’ve come into and come out of. Each one had a purpose, in each one I grew, and God did something special in me every single time. 

So many kinds of change are often viewed as dangerous. Change in your age. Change in your pursuits. Change in your job. Even change in your theology!

But not all change is bad. Most change isn’t. 

God made us to grow up and learn. He made us to follow different paths and pursue different things as He takes us in and out of seasons. He gives us different jobs to be faithful in. And as far as theology… if we are not in a position where we are willing to receive correction from the Holy Spirit if we believe something incorrectly, then that is what is dangerous. 

If I’m being honest, I really didn’t want to let go of the animals. But I’ve gotten to a point where Luke 14:33 is becoming more and more real in my life: 

“So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions.”

That’s what it really boils down to. What are you willing to give up for the sake of following God’s lead? 

I’ve decided that I hold tightly to nothing anymore. So if God wants me to let go of something for a greater cause? 

I’m willing. 

That doesn’t always make it easy and sometimes I want to resist. But I know that God always has the best plans. Maybe He wants our family to travel more in our skoolie and share His message of hope, but He knew that our animals were holding us back. He is so intentional about everything He leads us to do! 

Each season God gives us are ones where He wants not only to bless others, but us as well. He won’t put us on the backburner just because we’re willing. 

I want you to know that I understand the difficulty of changing seasons in our lives— saying goodbye to Cricket and Keeper was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’m not saying that it’s easy to step into something new that God may have for you… 

But I’m saying that it couldn’t be more worth it. 

I’m saying that God wants to take you on amazing adventures!

I’m saying that He adores you in a way you’ll never be able to comprehend. 

God promises to never change + to never leave us. What more could we need? He wants to be our sufficiency (2 Corinthians 3:5), but that requires our reliance on Him. Our trust in the fact that what He says He’ll do He will do. 

That’s why we can enter new seasons with peace and expectation. That’s why we can look at something daunting like the unknown, and know that the best is yet to come. 

I’m entering a new season right now. I don’t know everything about what the Lord is going to do in it, but I trust in Him completely and know that He cares for me. He is my fortress and my strength (Psalm 18:2, Psalm 28:7). He is my good, kind, awesome heavenly Father, and I know I’m safe with Him. 

I want to remind you that you’re safe with Him too. Regardless of what season of life you’re in right now, you are safe. He wants to do wonderful things for you, my friend. Just follow Him. 

What do you think about this blog post? Are you currently transitioning from one season to another in your life? If you want prayer for anything, you can comment below or contact me privately and I’ll pray with you < 3

Lastly, if you enjoyed reading this post, you might enjoy Recapping 2022, where I discuss my thoughts on change.


  1. Mariah says:

    Leah, this was so timely! Like.. very! Haha I think He has used your blog more than once to answer a prayer or speak to me. Thank you!

    I feel I may be entering a season of change soon!

    Prayers for his direction would be so, so appreciated 🙂

    1. Leah Grace says:

      I’m so glad, Mariah! It makes me super happy to know that God is using my words to help others.
      Okay, I’ll pray. < 3 Lord, I thank you that you are our guide, our protector, and you are so so trustworthy. I ask that you guide Mariah like you say in Your word that you do. I thank you for your promises, which your children can hold onto even when things are hard. As these changes take place in Mariah's life, I thank you that you are her anchor, her firm foundation, her God in whom she trusts. I speak wisdom, clarity, and peace over Mariah in the name of Jesus. Amen.

  2. Azzie Grace says:

    This post is perfect!!! I’ve been dealing with a lot of change recently as well, some of the reasons clear and some not. Thank you for the encouragement and truth. Love you!

    1. Leah Grace says:

      I’m glad that this encouraged you, Azzie (: Love you too! < 3

  3. I love this! Change can indeed be so hard, but I love this wonderful reminder that we are so safe with the Father. *hugs*

    1. Leah Grace says:

      Yes, and He’s the best friend and father we could ever have. *hugs*

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