Interview With Janet DuBois

I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to interview my sweet friend Janet from The Artzy Evangawriter for this week’s blog post. I hope you enjoy it!

  1. When did you start writing? I’ve been writing since around 2012, but I only started writing seriously in 2019, when my brother decided to do NaNoWriMo! He helped me brainstorm and outline a story idea I had, and that ended up being the first book I ever finished!
  2. Why did you decide to take writing seriously? Mostly just for fun, at least at first. And partly because my brother did it and I looked up to him (still do, by the way. He’s like a foot taller than me XD)
  3. What main message do you hope to get across to your readers? I want to share the message of hope and salvation through my stories, but also just get some good books out there! So many stories nowadays are filled with stuff I don’t want to read, so I’m writing the books that I would want to read myself.
  4. Do you write more fiction or non-fiction? I mostly write fiction, except for blog posts!
  5. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? I love to do lots of things, but I particularly enjoy reading, art (painting and drawing), and spending time with family in the evening!
  6. What is one thing you want to do by this time next year? There are so many . . . XD One thing in particular is to finish another novel, but in my personal goals I would love to get better at talking to people (especially strangers)!
  7. What is one piece of encouragement you would like to give to a young woman who is following Jesus? Pray. Seek God with all you heart, and He will show you where to go and what to do. I used to think that I wrote just because I was copying my brother, but I believe now that God gave us both a gift in our own unique way! We don’t all have the same path, but God knows what yours is and He will help you find it

So here you have it! Make sure to go and check out her blog, she always has encouraging posts about the Lord, and she posts her beautiful artwork + stories as well < 3


  1. […] is an interview/conversation with my friend Leah Currier! She’s also posting her interview with me over on her blog, so feel free to check it out! (Her blog is SO amazing and […]

  2. Thank you so much for this opportunity, Leah! The interview was sooo much fun 🙂

    1. You’re welcome! And thanks for swapping, this was really good (:

  3. Matt Currier says:

    This is beautiful! I especially like Q 3: ‘What’s your message?’ Pointing it all back to Salvation and putting out content to readers that supports that and His values, is amazing. I wish this writer a blessed career with major impact for the Kingdom.

    1. Yes, and amen!

    2. Chelsea says:

      I wholeheartedly agree! Couldn’t have put it better. Praise the Lord that there are ladies out there willing to make a stand for their faith and share it with others.

    3. Thank you so much, to everyone! Your encouragement is much appreciated.

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