Involving God in the Little Things

I took all of last week– May 7-13– and decided that I wouldn’t be spending any time on my online writing community. I figured it was time for a little step back to rest + refresh. 

So, I had a lot more spare time than usual. No critique group co-leader responsibilities (we were on break), no welcome assignments, no having to constantly log on to manage spam (or, as we call it, “smap”!)– nothing like that. I was completely justified to take a break.

As I went throughout my “rest week”, I decided to take the time that I would’ve spent on my community, and hang out with God instead. And that’s exactly what I did. 

Instead of spending a lot of my free time on my phone or community, I’d just talk to Him. “Hi God. Thanks for promising that you’ll never leave me nor forsake me.” or “Hey God. Thanks for always listening to me when I talk– you know I talk a lot!” or “Hi God. You know I need help with such and such. Thank you that you’re going to help me.”

So many times I talked to God like that, much like what I do on occasion with two of my friends. Sometimes, if we’re busy, we’ll just call each other and do our stuff with the phone on speaker. That way, if we have something we want to say, we can say it, but we don’t have to– we can just continue to live life and do our thing, knowing that we’re not alone.

I felt so much peace, satisfaction, and joy last week doing that with God– and it was all because I was setting my mind on the Spirit, which brings life and peace, instead of setting my mind on the flesh, which brings death (Romans 8:6). 

Because you know what, guys? God does promise that He’ll never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6).

He is with us 24/7, He loves us so much (Romans 8:38-39), and the Bible talks about how God Wants A Personal Relationship With You.  

As I took time last week (and now am doing the same thing this week!) to remember to include God in every aspect of my life, I noticed a shift in my mind, my spirit, my emotions, and thoughts. A good shift. I felt like I let God “take part” in my days way more than I have in the past. 

And those days were so incredibly full of peace and rest. Because I spent those days with God. 

I love spending intentional time in the mornings in His Word and in prayer, where there are no other distractions or priorities for those moments– they’re the best! 

But I’ve also been realizing that God is so personal, and He likes being involved in the day to day moments of our lives.

There are so many little blessings He gives us each day, and I can’t help but think that when we take time to acknowledge them and give Him thanks, He gets a little excited over the fact that we’ve recognized something kind that He’s done for us!      

I want to encourage you to do what I did: hang out with God throughout the day, just talk to Him about whatever pops into your mind. Then come back and drop a comment, letting me know how it changed your week (if you’re comfortable sharing)! Because I can assure you that you will notice a difference in your life when you get God involved in every little part.


  1. This is a much-needed reminder! I’m so thankful to you for sharing it, and to hear what God has been doing in your life! <3

    1. You’re so welcome– I love to share how God works in my life!

  2. I know the feeling. Sometimes my subconscious mind takes over and I can hear such negative thoughts. All of a sudden I hear praise. It’s those times with God knowing that He got me. All I can do is praise Him! My time with the Lord keeps me from stumbling and focused on what God has for me to do.

    1. Yes, amen!

  3. Mariah says:

    I recently started a new job that has me very busy! And I realized I needed to change how I spent time with God/went about my days because my free time has drastically decreased and I’m feeling the effects of not having more time to be in His Word.

    This has encouraged me even more to talk to Him throughout the day. I will tell you how my week goes! 🙂

    Thank you, Leah!!

    1. I’m so glad this encouraged you, Mariah! I can’t wait to hear about it (:

  4. I love this, Leah! I’ve been trying to do more of this lately and it’s been SO good!

    1. Yay! I’m so glad!

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