Trusting the Only One Who Can Be Trusted

In March of 2023, our family flew to Florida to pick up our new motor home. Actually, the technical term is “skoolie,” which is a school bus converted into a motor home. God provided for it in such an incredible way, and it was a huge answer to prayer for our family.

But on the plane flight down to Florida, within ten minutes of take off, I started to feel pain and pressure in my right ear/jaw. It was really bothering me, and it was very painful. 

I was debating with myself what to do about it: should I ignore it, should I not accept it, should I try to get relief, should I pray? As I was briefly thinking through these things and more, a thought popped into mind. Trust.

“Lord,” I said as I sat there on the plane, “I trust you. I believe you’re going to heal me.”

It was so simple, it was so easy. I understood the love of my heavenly Father, and in that one moment, I had such confidence that all would be well. I just knew.

A sense of calm flooded over me, and I no longer had any fear. I instantly relaxed, and rested in the fact that I was in the arms of the One who could be trusted.

Within about five minutes, all of the pain was gone. Completely. It never came back either. 

These past two weeks, I’ve kept going back to that instance in my mind. I just felt so safe with Jesus, and I can’t even begin to explain how incredible that felt.

While on the plane, my first thought was to take things into my own hands. I figured I’d just ignore how I was feeling, and expect to be better soon. Or start quoting a bunch of scriptures out loud. Or ask somebody to pray for me. Or— I had run through the list in my head of all the different things I could try. 

And here’s the thing, guys. There’s nothing wrong with any of those things I mentioned that I considered doing!

But it can be easy to get into a mindset where I put everything on myself, and forget that God wants to be so involved in my life, and He wants me to come to Him for anything that is important to me. Because I’m important to Him.  

In that scenario on the plane, I decided I would put things into God’s hands, and trust Him. He did not disappoint me. 

The first part of Proverbs 40:4 says, “How blessed is the man who has made the Lord his trust.”

I can testify to this fact: that is easier said than done. It’s one thing to quote that scripture when life is all sunshine and roses, but how about when the storm clouds come out? What about when your world is flipped upside down, and you don’t know what to do? 

You look to God. The Bible is full of His great and precious promises, and if you search the Scriptures, you’ll find them. 

When you trust Him, you are trusting that He will keep His word, He will keep His promises. That kind of trust is not a blind trust— whatever happens happens. This trust is in the words and the character of a God who loves us and a God who does not lie.

One verse that is a great example of how this can be applied is Psalm 46:1, which says, “God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble.” You can believe that verse and claim it for yourself, because the Word of God is 100 percent true! 

That Bible verse tells you a truth, and with that truth you now have to make a decision: are you going to trust that God always keeps His word? Are you going to believe that your world can be totally shaken, but you’re safe with God?

This is what I mean when I talk about trusting God over your mind, over your reasoning. Common sense may be telling you that since your world is falling apart, you will too. But God says that He is your refuge, strength, and help, and will never leave you.

This week, I pray you’ll remember that God is so powerful. He is so loving. He is such an awesome Father! And best of all, He only has good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). 

Although my situation on the airplane was small compared to many of the things that go on in different people’s lives, it helped me grasp one simple, but very crucial fact that is often overlooked: God can be trusted. With anything. With everything


  1. Awww, thank you for sharing this!! So true and so impactful <3

    1. You’re welcome 💛

  2. Wow! This is so true! Thanks for sharing that with us.

  3. Micah {SGL} Collier says:

    I love this, neat reminder, and fantastic post overall.

    1. Thanks Micah (:

  4. Leah, this really encouraged me! Thank you.

    1. I’m so glad (:

  5. […] Trusting The Only One Who Can Be Trusted […]

  6. Azzie Grace says:

    I know I’m crazy late in reading this, but I really love it! So inspiring and encouraging!

    1. Thank you! < 3

      1. Azzie Grace says:

        You’re welcome 🥰

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